Children’s books

Thanks Leo, those shelves needed unpackingOne of the best things about having kids is that you get to read a lot of kids books.

And you don’t just get to read story books. There are a lot of great baby books, maze books, searching books, educational books, sticker books, activity books, puzzle books, animal & dinosaur books, joke books, pop-out mask books, paint-with-water books, colour-by-number books and puzzle books. You get to help with all these too.

We don’t so much think of You’re Doing Great, Baby as a children’s book, but it still kind of is. Kids can read it. It’s certainly been shaped by all the books we’ve read over the last five years of bedtimes.

In honour of Children’s Book Week, here are some of the books we’ve loved.

Do you have any favourites? Any recommendations? Please let us know in the comments.

Beth’s favourites

Jeff’s favourites

Leo’s favourites

Clem’s favourites (we think)

Clem grabbing a quiet moment with a book

We’re now on Kickstarter

KickstarterWe’ve got some exciting news! We’ve finished writing and illustrating the book and are now looking to get the book made as a board book.

We’ve set up a Kickstarter page to help us raise money to get board books printed.

Between now and 31st August, you’ll be able to visit the page to read more about the project, pledge your support, and get a reward (such as copies of the book!).

If we don’t reach $5000 in pledges by 31st August, none of the pledges will be processed and we won’t be able to order the board books. So please support us!

We’re also very excited to share a special preview page with you! You can read the whole book right now (unless you have babies or small kids with you, in which case you will be interrupted).

Thanks so much for being part of this with us.


All reward values are in Australian dollars and include postage within Australia.



Hello, Baby!

You’re Doing Great, Baby is about a mother and her baby, so we thought it would be nice to introduce you to them.

00000001 - Version 2

Baby enjoys:

  • Milk
  • Sleeping snuggled up with Mum/Dad
  • Cuddles and kisses
  • Funny faces

Baby does not enjoy:

  • Hunger
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling overwhelmy


Next we will introduce you to Mum!

You can read more about the project here, and join our mailing list:

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Hi! Beth and I are starting this blog to follow the progress our new book.

The book is called You’re Doing Great, Baby! and it’s a picture book for new parents who might feel overwhelmed by all the sudden life changes and new responsibilities that come with parenting (and who don’t have time to read anything except picture books).

We want this to be a book that will remind new mums and dads that they’re doing their best and to reassure them that they’ll get through these tough times (if that’s what they are). There’ll also be rhyme and colourful pictures so hopefully babies won’t get too bored either!

We’re still working on it, and we’ll let you know how we go!